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In the age of social media, high quality video is king!  We're here to record you in your film clip glory, ready for upload on the 'gram.

To create an even more special outcome, along with filming the routine, we will also be photographing your performance as well.

Your Performance on Film is scheduled during your week 6 class time at Cam Attree Studios in Woolloongabba.


Performance is always optional - you are welcome to come along and perform for your peers in week 6, it just wont be captured on film.


If you do wish to take part, you must organise your costume as instructed by your tutor, be present at your week 5 dress rehearsal, and book your filming spot below before your week 5 dress rehearsal.

* If you are exhibiting cold and flu symptoms you will not be permitted to take part.  Please help keep us all safe and be honest about your situation if this applies to you.


It's time for your close up superstars!



Will I need a costume to perform?

Yes, our student groups require a costume in order to participate in Performance on Film.  Your tutor will provide you with all of the information for the costume of your particular course during the classes.  We aim to keep all costumes as cost effective as possible and repeat elements to keep costs down.


Where are the Performance on Film sessions held?

Performance on Film sessions take place in your week 6 class time at Cam Attree Photography Studio (Unit 1/16 Nile Street, Woolloongabba – look for the LivePhoto door next to the roller door of Fred Fern Lawn Bowls Centre).  Weeks 1 – 5 are at our Bowen Hills studio.

How often are Performance on Film sessions held?

We present 6 Performance on Film opportunities a year, one at the end of each term.

Can my friends and family come and watch?

Performance on Film sessions are safe spaces for our students only – no spectators are permitted.  Your loved ones will see you in your digital glory once your video and photos are delivered!


What's required to perform in addition to the six week course?

In order to perform, you must attend dress rehearsal which is in your 5th week class and process your Performance on Film booking before your dress rehearsal. Your tutor will place you in small groups to best showcase you.

How do I take part in filming?

To secure your Performance on Film place, you will need to book your spot before your week 5 dress rehearsal via the link provided by your tutor.  The cost of $40 (+$2 Booking Fee) per student, per routine covers filming on a professional set & lighting and complimentary still photography.  All students taking part in filming must process payment in advance.


I’m in a Performance on Film class but I don’t want to be filmed. What do I do?

That’s a-ok!  Please do come along to the week 6 filming session and perform for your classmates, it just won’t be captured on film.


Can I take my own video/photos during the Performance on Film sessions?

No. To maintain a safe space for our students and respect the lighting design and set created by Cam Attree, no personal video or photography is permitted.  The exception is selfies/shots of yourself and your friends between takes – we love a selfie!


Is there a pastie reveal in Performance on Film?

No. Due to social media requirements, no pastie shots are included in Performance on Film.  Your tutor will choreograph an ending that includes pasties attached to a nude mesh bra, a turn away from the camera or no bust reveal at all. This is a great way to cut your teeth before jumping on stage for a full pastie reveal!


What happens to the video/photos from Performance on Film?

Within 2 weeks of filming, your videos and photos will be delivered via email, ready for you to share to your friends, family and fans!  Compilation videos and stills will also be uploaded to the Academy social media channels.  If you do not wish your videos/images to appear on social media, please do not take part in Performance on Film.


What do I do with my hair and makeup for Performance on Film?

Students must arrange their own hair and makeup for performance on film and we recommend bold makeup, just like for stage.  



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